Due Diligence Reports

Access & egress assessments for commercial real estate properties

Due Diligence ReportEqual Access specialise in Disability Access Due Diligence Reports and Property Condition Assessments to the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards to ensure statutory compliance to Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). Property types include (but are not limited to) commercial, retail, residential, healthcare, aged care, aviation, public transport and industrial properties throughout Australia. In addition we offer consulting for complete or partial projects. Our clients include lessees, lessors, investors, lenders, loan servicers, owners and sellers.

Standard disability access due diligence report services are available for acquisitions, loan origination, loan servicing, portfolio reviews, construction monitoring-draw reports, capital improvement confirmation, and to address DDA complaints received through the Human Rights Commission.

Discrimination complaints will increase following the release of the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards

Specialist Access Consultants

It is now recognised within the building/property industries due to the complexity of the Disability Access legislation (view Disability Access standards here) independent accredited disability access consultants are the only people suitably skilled to undertake such work.

A Disability Access Due Diligence Report (or Acquisition Report disability access) is a detailed report of an existing property highlighting its condition, identifying any elemental defects.

Whether you are purchasing or selling a property it’s critical to both you and your investors that you understand all the potential risks and liabilities that come with the acquisition. Furthermore the maxim of ‘caveat emptor’ (let the buyer beware) is still a guiding legal principal in all property transactions. A professional Disability Access Due Diligence Report by Equal Access will show clarity of the asset, and identify any possible risks and likely costs prior to you or your client committing to the property transaction.

How much does a Disability Access Due Diligence Report Cost?

The cost of preparing a ‘Disability Access Due Diligence Report’ will vary depending on the type of property, location, size, complexity and the extent of the detail required. We will prepare a comprehensive fee proposal upon receipt of the properties details.

Australia wide service provided to undertake Disability Access Due Diligence reports

Equal Access consult throughout Australia and prepare ‘Disability Access Due Diligence Report’ for a broad range of clients. We specialise in multiple site/location reports for clients who have a presence in multiple states.

Heritage Buildings

Due Diligence Reports Heritage BuildingsEqual Access provides a specialist heritage building ‘Disability Access Due Diligence Report’ service to a variety of public and private sector clients. The consultant in charge of heritage work is fully accredited by the Association of Consultants in Access Australia inc.

The word “access” is widely interpreted to include access to and within any building or site, access to all facilities and services and to any information. The objective is to provide a barrier free environment for all visitors in line with the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards.

Our heritage reports identify all barriers and provide recommended solutions to issues identified. In many cases ‘alternative solutions’ are also provided, minimising change to the building structure. This can assist in conserving heritage buildings and reducing the need to alter them in ways that adversely affect their significance.

“Disability Access Due Diligence Report”

The Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 introduced laws and rights aimed at ending discrimination against people with disabilities.

The Act includes a duty on building owners to make reasonable adjustments to physical features of their premises which cause barriers to access.

The Human Rights Commission recommends that all medium to large service providers seek the advice of professional Accredited Disability Access Consultants to determine the level of compliance for each of their assets.

The ‘Disability Access Due Diligence Report’ is a report on all the access issues relating to a building. It is important to note that the report focuses on access to services and it is not limited to alterations to the building.

This on site survey is often combined with a condition survey which provides advice on the structure of the property, the quality of design, workmanship and materials, along with any defects noted. We are also frequently requested to inspect external walkways, car parks and external approaches to identify any potential hazards.

Evacuation, Paths of Egress & Equipment

Due Diligence Access ReportsEmergency Evacuation is a high priority for ALL people. With the ever increasing likelihood of accidents, fires, flooding and terrorism, emergency evacuation plans need to incorporate all levels of staff abilities.

What happens with a staff member that has a disability in an emergency?

How do you assist people of differing needs to ESCAPE?

Who is responsible for assisting occupants with specific needs in an emergency evacuation, including staff as well as visitors?

Building owners & managers are responsible for the evacuation of staff members with disability, mobility impairment and various health conditions. With the release of AS 3745 2009 Planning for Emergencies in Facilities, increased liability now has to be addressed. Our reports include compliance with this standard.

Disability Access Due Diligence Report

Our Blogs

Premises Standard Update and Changes in AS 1428.1 2021

  • February 18, 2025
  • Chris Flynn

A recent update to The Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 (DAPS) came into effect on November 23, 2024. Among the changes was the inclusion of a reference t...

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A New Inclusive ‘Gender Neutral’ Toilet Sign

  • July 1, 2024
  • Cynthia Ces

A question we have received a number of times within our practice is the provision of and identification of ...

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Why ‘Wave to Open’ and ‘Wave to Lock’ Discriminate

  • May 2, 2024
  • Bruce Bromley

We are now regularly seeing the installation of ‘Wave to Open and Wave to Lock’ buttons used on automated...

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