General Access

Can I Still Use Section 10 Of The Victorian Building Act To Get Out Of Providing Access For People With Disability?

The Victorian Building Authority advises that if using the transitional provisions of Section 10, Building Act 1993, the Relevant Building Surveyor and the applicant would be acting unlawfully under the DDA.More

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What is ‘Affected Part’?

Affected Part: An ‘affected part’ is defined as: ‘the principal pedestrian entrance of an existing building than contains a ‘new part’; and; any part of an existing building that contains a ‘new part’, that is necessary to provide a continuous accessible path of travel from the entrance to a ‘new part”.More

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Will Your Wall Setouts Comply With AS 1428.1?

In the past wall setouts on plans were based on stud frame to stud frame. With the implementation of AS1428.1-2009 Building Designers will need to carefully review setouts as the minimum spaces nominated must me unobstructed.More

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What are the access requirements if I wish to work from home?

It depends on the use of the property and if this use is changing. From a building perspective, if you ‘change the use’ of the property you must get the necessary permits and ensure that dignified and equitable access is provided in accordance with the access provisions of applicable standards.More

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What are the limits with heights of carpet pile within the Premises Standards and the BCA?

The inconsistency between the Premises Standards and the BCA presents a dilemma for carpet selection – carpet with a 11 mm pile height or pile thickness will satisfy the BCA, but currently represents a non-compliance under the Premises Standards.More

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Is Access Required To Temporary Structures? (Victoria Only)

If the building is a prescribed temporary structure, as defined by the Building Regulations 2006, a building permit for its construction is not required, however an Occupancy Permit from the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) and a siting approval from the relevant Municipal Building Surveyor will be required. Section 23 of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) prohibits disability discrimination in relation to the access to premises that can be accessed by a section of the public, irrespective to whether a building permit is required for the structure. More

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When do I need to consider slip resistance requirements?

"The requirements for slip-resistance classifications under the BCA are for ramps, stairways and landings. These are located in Parts D2.10, D2.13 and D2.14 of Volume 1 of the BCA"More

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How Much Space Does A Wheelchair Need For A 90° Turn?

A wheelchair requires a 1500mm x 1500mm space to make a 90° turn, however the internal corner of the turning space may be splayed.More

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Do accessible brothels exist?

Although universal design is not quite as widespread in brothels as it is in other industries, there has been some positive progress in recent years.More

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Our Blogs

Premises Standard Update and Changes in AS 1428.1 2021

  • February 18, 2025
  • Chris Flynn

A recent update to The Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 (DAPS) came into effect on November 23, 2024. Among the changes was the inclusion of a reference t...

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A New Inclusive ‘Gender Neutral’ Toilet Sign

  • July 1, 2024
  • Cynthia Ces

A question we have received a number of times within our practice is the provision of and identification of ...

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Why ‘Wave to Open’ and ‘Wave to Lock’ Discriminate

  • May 2, 2024
  • Bruce Bromley

We are now regularly seeing the installation of ‘Wave to Open and Wave to Lock’ buttons used on automated...

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