Here at Equal Access we’ve had a run of enquiries lately about Luminance Contrast.
The Building Code of Australia (the ‘BCA’) and the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 (the ‘Premises Standards’) have minimum ‘deemed to satisfy’ provisions for levels of luminance contrast provided to parts of a building and on accessible path of travels.
To provide some guidance we have a detailed page on our website, and some time ago also developed a simple downloadable Luminance Contrast Calculator (under the Designers Info section). But I thought I’d put up a quick post to summarise these requirements:
Luminance contrast is defined in Australian Standard 1428.1-2009 as ‘the light reflected from one surface or component, compared to the light reflected from another surface or component’. It is not the difference in the colour or the colour contrast, but the difference in the light reflective properties of each colour.
The minimum luminance contrast requirements in the BCA and Premises Standards include:
Hope that helps to ‘shed some light’ on luminance contrast requirements, if you have any questions please contact me.