Stairway Evacuation Devices

What are Stairway Evacuation Devices?

evacuate people with disability from buildingsStairway Evacuation Devices help to safely evacuate people with mobility impairments including a disability, pregnancy or a medical condition from a building in case of an emergency. Common evacuation devices include evacuation chairs, sheets and sleds.

Whilst buildings are becoming more accessible for people of all abilities working in these environments. organisations need to remember that in emergency situations, such as fires or floods, everyone in the building has to be evacuated safely.

Having the right equipment in an emergency can be the difference between survival and disaster. Is your home or workplace equipped with the equipment you need to ensure you, your family and your workmates stay safe in case of an emergency?

Why does your organisation need evacuation devices?

  • Building owners, managers and employers have a ‘duty of care’ to provide adequate means of escape for all employees and visitors.
  • Evacuation devices help organisations to meet the obligations of Occupational Health and Safety legislation and the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
  • Evacuation devices benefit everyone, including people with a disability, pregnant women, the elderly and people with short or long term medical conditions or injuries.

Where should evacuation devices be available?

Evacuation devices are suitable for a variety of organisations, including:

  • schools and colleges
  • factories
  • hospitals
  • sports stadiums
  • shops
  • offices
  • cinemas
  • libraries
  • banks
  • aged care homes
  • museums and galleries.

What types of evacuation devices are available?

Evacuation chairs

Stairway Evacuation Device Evacuation ChairEvacuation chairs are the most common type of evacuation device for people with mobility impairment. They are particularly useful for people who are wheelchair-dependent and unable to exit a building via the stairs.

Evacuation chair technology has significantly improved in recent years; the chairs are simpler to use and are more ergonomic for both evacuee and assistant. They are foldable, compact and can be used in new or existing buildings with minimal impacts on the building as they can be stored in a cupboard or on a wall-mounted bracket.

Belted skid tracks allow the operator to easily control the speed of descent and adjustable safety straps secure the evacuee during transport.


Evacuation sleds

Stairway Evacuation Device Evacuation SledEvacuation Sleds are devices that can quickly evacuate a non-ambulatory person down multiple flights of stairs quickly as well as safely. They enable staff to transfer people 2– 3 times their very own weight with minimal lifting and effort as they use a drag method of movement.

Evacuation Sleds are available in various sizes for young people through to bariatric individuals. A young child and infant inserts are also available to help with evacuating children.

They are  a comfortable, supportive and also easy-to-use evacuation device that can assist you in safely removing an immobilized person from a structure in case of fire or other emergency events. They can be prepared to make use of in as little as 30 seconds, when every second matters.


More details available at


EvacuLife Emergency Evacuation Equipment Australia

Is part of the Equal Access Group
ABN 22 123 979 733


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