Will your wall setouts comply with AS1428.1

  • May 30, 2010
  • Bruce Bromley

Continuous Accessible Path of TravelIn the past wall setouts on plans were based on stud frame to stud frame. With the implementation of AS1428.1-2009 Building Designers will need to carefully review setouts as the minimum spaces nominated must me unobstructed.

Typical obstructions include (but not limited to)

  • Skirtings & coved skirtings over 15mm radius
  • Architraves
  • Fire hose reels
  • Shelves,
  • Signage

This will mean where minimum widths are nominated ie a corridor of 1220mm may need stud offsets of 1276mmmm (1220mm + 20mm (2 x 10mm plasterboard), + 36mm (2 x 18mm skirtings).

Corridor widths, latch & hinge clearances, sanitary facilities etc will all be affected.

What does AS1428.1-2009 say?


6.1 General
A continuous accessible path of travel shall not include a step, stairway, turnstile, revolving door, escalator, moving walk or other impediment.
6.2 Heights of a continuous accessible path of travel
The minimum unobstructed height of a continuous accessible path of travel shall be 2000 mm or 1980 mm at doorways (see Figure 2).
6.3 Width of a continuous accessible path of travel
Unless otherwise specified (such as at doors, curved ramps and similar), the minimum unobstructed width (see Figure 2) of a continuous accessible path of travel shall be 1000 mm and the following shall not intrude into the minimum unobstructed width of a continuous accessible path of travel:
a) Fixtures and fittings such as lights, awnings, windows that, when open, intrude into the circulation space, telephones, skirtings and similar objects.
(b) Essential fixtures and fittings such as fire hose reels, fire extinguishers and switchboards.
(c) Door handles less than 900 mm above the finished floor level.